Assessment of Pine Creek Township – 1799

(Robert Hamilton was the asscessor for the year 1799)

Andrews, Hugh, house and lot

Apley, Andrew, three hundred acres; saw-mill

Baird, William, fifty acres

Baird, Zebulos, forty acres

Baker, John, one hundred and thirty one acres

Buckley, Johnston, two hundred acres

Black, William

Baird, Benjamin, fifty acres

Beam, Lewis, skin dresser

Bowman, James

Burrus, Thomas

Barrett, James

Berryhill, William, distiller

Barnett, Joseph, two hundred and twenty five acres

Cook, William, three hundred acres

Conaway, John, one hundred acres

Chatham, William

Chatham, John, three hundred acres; grist and saw mill

Crawford, Robert, sixty acres; tannery; tanner

Crawford, James, one hundred acres

Carson, John, one hundred and fifty acres

Custard, William, thirty-three acres; blacksmith

Custard, Abraham

Dunn, William J., forty acres

Dale, Samuel, Esq., one hundred and forty acres

Dunn, William, four hundred and sixty acres; still house (one slave)

Dunn, John, fifty acres; tavern keeper

Dunn, James

De France, Charles, two hundred and eighty acres; still house and saw mill

Duncan, Stephen, three hundred acres; store keeper

Frazer, Hugh

Ferry, Francis, five acres; store keeper

Fulton, Henry, three hundred acres

Ferron, Joseph, one hundred acres

Gardner, Cornelious

Gore, Peter

Gamble, John, two hundred acres

Gamble, Mary, two hundred and fifty acres

Gallagher, William, four hundred and thirty five acres

Gallagher, Thomas, one hundred and sixty acres

Hanna, David, two hundred and eighty acres

Hanna, John

Hill, Fredrick, shoemaker

Hamilton, Sampson, forty acres; carpenter

Hamilton, Robert, ninety acres

Hamilton, John, seventy five acres

Kicks, Edward, cooper

Irwin, James, two hundred and eighty acres

Ishurwood, Francis, one hundred acres

Jackson, William, seventy five acres

Jackson, John, seventy five acres

Johnson, Alexander

Kerr, Andrew, two hundred and forty acres

Knox, John

Knight, Jonathan, one hundred and fifty acres

Lea, Zaechcus, three hundred acres; weaver

Montgomery, William, three hundred acres

McNaul, John, weaver

McKinney, John, one hundred and fifty acres; tavern keeper

McCormick, John, two hundred and twenty acres

Myers, Jacob, Jr., shoemaker

Mann, William, weaver

Myers, Jacob, Sr., three hundred acres; shoemaker

Mason, James

McAdams, James

Masters, Edward, sixty five acres

McFadden, Samuel

Myers, Philip

Morrison, William, seventy five acres

Montgomery, William, one hundred and fifty acres

Myers, Martin

Morrison, James, one hundred acres

McGinley, John, one hundred and fifty acres

Oliver, Stephen

Proctor, Francis, two hundred and fifty acres

Pisel, Mary

Price, John, fifty acres

Porter, William, fifty acres

Reed, James, one hundred acres

Reed, William, two hundred acres

Ross, Jacob

Richards, Jane, three hundred acres

Saltsman,George, sixty five acres

Smith, James, three hundred and fifteen acres (one slave)

Shaffer, Fredrick, tailor

Sturgis, Amos, forty acres

Shaw, Robert

Simmons, Samuel, one hundred and seventy acres; batter?

Strain, Robert, saddler

Shade, Sebastian, seven acres

Tomb, Jacob, Jr., four hundred acres; saw mill

Welch, Jerrard

Walker, Adam

Woodard, William, three hundred acres

Wilson, Robert, one hundred and twenty four acres

White, Hugh, one hundred and fifty acres; merchant – mill

Walker, Jonathan, twenty acres

Walker – Hamlin, four hundred acres; saw mill


Re; History of Clinton and Centre Counties, by John Blair Linn