History of Swissdale, Pa.
Frontier Life

Let us look at the wild life of this community. These families lived here with nothing but a hunter’s path for many years. To the north was a vast forest 100 miles deep and on every side you could hear the howl of the wolves, the scream of the panthers and the cry of the wildcat. Bears were plentiful until 1870 or 1880. Panthers screamed in the woods until the end of the 1880’s.

Many a night women with small children were alone in their homes when panthers and wolves climbed on the roof and tried to push aside the scantling and shingles, then they tried to force open the door and window, so one door and one window were quite sufficient for these early settlers homes.

Each family in Swissdale had its encounters with wild beasts. All kinds of animals were very numerous. Whole herds of deer were seen feeding at one time. Wolves came up to the door where any feed might be thrown out and picked it up while they glared at the family. Panthers ands bears boldly carried off domestic animals in broad daylight. Many families, after working all day with their faithful dogs would watch most of the night to save their flocks.

The information listed here was taken from History of Clinton County by Cora Suiter, the History of the Probst Family, Swissdale History by Florence Laubscher. All this can be found in the Ross Library.

*Donated by Dean Laubscher